Christmas in Malta Photos

Christmas Time At The Maltese Islands

Christmas is one of the lovely celebrations held both in Malta and Gozo as it signifies the birth of Christ. The Maltese celebrate this festivity by church functions in all churches of the islands, nativity scenes, showing of cribs, Christmas trees with plenty of decorations, carol singing and other activities relating to this festive season. 

It is great to join the congregation at St. John's Co-Cathedral Valletta for carol singing. Many street activities displaying the lovely decorations. Shops lit up with beautiful Christmas lights and trees.

Houses decorated with cribs, trees with decorations and multi colourful lights. People rushing everywhere, buying presents for their loved ones. See how the Maltese prepare for Christmas and see what you can do on Christmas day.

Restaurants hotels are usually full for the Christmas season preparing for the big day.

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Christmas In Malta Photos

a beautiful christmas crib

At Zejtun there is a mechanical crib that has attracted many tourists and Maltese to for its originality. It has been on display for the past 70 years. It is worth a visit. There is no entrance fee. You can donate some money for the sisters who take care of orphans.

Related: Other Events During The Year, Carnival

A traditional Maltese Christmas crib built by the people of Malta for the past 70 years.The historical mechanised Christmas crib exhibited at Zejtun

Christmas Spirit in valletta

Every year a booklet is prepared by the Malta Tourist Information Office of all the exhibitions held on both islands in Malta and Gozo. Click here for the location of these offices from where you can collect a booklet towards the beginning of December. Everybody can take part in creating these cribs from individual, religious or social organisations to band clubs.

Related: Other Photos Of The Capital City Valletta

People at triton fountain during Fairyland theme park.Fairyland Christmas Park at the Triton Fountain Square

multiple markets near triton square

The crib tradition is still very strong with the Maltese people. You can go to Gozo during Christmas time where you can dedicate several hours going round seeing these exhibitions.

Related: See St. Julian's Night Photos

People walking around the annual Christmas market during December.The Maltese Christmas traditional market and Fairyland in Valletta

a traditional maltese crib

Every year in Valletta an exhibition of cribs built by the Maltese bear the fruit of many ideas and cultural heritage from generation to another. In Malta the culture of cribs is very popular. This exhibition is a must see. It is at the Franciscan church crypt side street to Republic street.

Maltese stone crib exhibition in Valletta.A traditional Maltese crib during a competitions and exhibition in Valletta

an artistic maltese crib

In Christmas 2018 a Maltese artistic crib was placed at the Triton square.

Related: See Mdina by Day Photos

A Maltese outdoor Christmas crib exhibited at Valletta.A traditional large Christmas crib with large Maltese Christmas crib characters

christmas items at a market

During Christmas time, there are plenty of Christmas markets around the island.

Christmas items being sold at a Christmas market.At one of the Christmas markets in Malta, decorations for Christmas are being sold

republic street in christmas

People walking around Republic Street during Christmas time.Christmas decorations in Malta at the capital City Valletta

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