Travel Guide To Malta

An Essential Guide To First Time Travellers

Travel guide to Malta is your go-to guide when planning your trip to Malta. In this page we will give you a summary on all the basics you expect to know before you come here. These include, essential things about the island, the weather in Malta, how to get to the island, where to stay, our personal opinions on when to visit and things to do in Malta and Gozo.

People walking in Mdina Malta. This is our travel guide to Malta.

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Essential Things To Know About Malta

the currency in malta is euros

All over the island including Gozo and Comino, we use Euros as our currency. Credit cards are used nearly in all shops, restaurants, bars and other establishments. ATM's are easily found anywhere on the island.

in malta we speak two languages

Our official language is Maltese, but when you come here you will be surprised that we also have a second language, English. Communication in Malta is not very difficult if you were wondering if we will understand you. Apart from that, a number of people also understand Italian.

malta is part of an archipelago

The Maltese archipelago is made up of three main island and other small islands. The three island include, Malta being the largest, Gozo being the second largest and Comino being the third largest.

you can see the sea from all angles of the island

If you can see the sea from anywhere on the island, how big is Malta then? The width of the island is only 14.5 kilometers (9 miles). Being that we are also in the middle of the Mediterranean sea with no other land surrounding us, the only things you see on the horizon is beautiful blue sea.

Related Page: Where is Malta located with an accurate map location

Weather in Malta - When Is The Best Time To Come

With around 300 days of sunshine a year we can say that the best time to come to Malta is anytime of the year. It depends if you want to wander the historic sites, go for walks in the countryside, swim at one of our beaches, go on a tour, take a trip to Comino.

The weather in Malta has it's up's and down's but the majority of the year it is quite warm.

To main reason people come to Malta is for the heat. In fact the hottest period in Malta is between June, July and August with a average daily temperature of around 31°C (88°F). This is the time when we see the highest peak of tourism so expect to find many tourists all over the island.

A view of Valletta from Lower Barrakka Gardens Malta.

Where To Stay In Malta

Choosing where to stay in Malta is something everyone must do when travelling here. It can be a challenge if you don't know anything about Malta, but we have created a full guide of several locations which we recommend you accommodate at.

staying in valletta malta

  • Valletta is very small, so anywhere you stay in the capital city, you will automatically be in the city center. Valletta is around a 15-minute walk from one side to the other. Here you find a mix of converted boutique hotels, 5 star hotels and also cheap hotels.

Getting To Malta And Around

The most common way traveler visit Malta is by air. There is only one airport in Malta called Malta International Airport. Apart from that you have the choice to come by sea either with an international cruise liner or with the Sicily to Malta ferry.

When you arrive there are several choices on how to travel around the island. By public transport is the cheapest way, you can rent a car and have more freedom by travelling to places which by public transport is difficult to do, taxis but it can come quite expensive if you use them on a regular basis especially if you travel long distances.

Air Malta departing from Malta International Airport.

What To Pack For Your Holiday

It all depends which time of year you will be visiting. If you are coming during the summer months you will only need light clothes, if during the winter months, get warm clothes.

See what to wear for the summer months of June, July, August and September. Definitely bring sunscreen during the summer months since the heat is very intense due to the high UV. If you enjoy swimming and seeing what's under the water, then get swimming goggles to make your experience even better.

Our Personal Tips When Planning Your Holiday

Here is a list of our personal tips for you to know whilst planning your holiday here to Malta.

May and June is the ideal time to visit for those who love the transition of the weather to summer, with not too much heat, rain or wind. However the sea temperature is still cold and not ideal for swimming although on sunny days one can spot the odd local and a few tourists swimming. Sunbathing is more popular at this time.

If you wish to be in Malta before the very hot weather, we recommend visiting between the months of March and May. After that, the heatwave starts and the number of tourists increase due to the favorable weather conditions.

During the summer months, it is also the time where village feasts start to be celebrated in both Malta and Gozo. This is something that all foreigners appreciate as they see something that is typically Maltese.

Spring is the best time for walks in the country side where green vegetation is still abundant with splendid flowers everywhere.

During the month of September, it is the time when many locals go abroad before the children and students start their scholastic year.

Late autumn is very much enjoyable for walks in the countryside. Full swing preparations for Christmas start early and you can already start seeing decorations first days of December.

On a hot day during winter, it is expected to see some people swimming at one of Malta's beaches.

During public holidays, bridge holidays or yearly festivities, people go a lot to Gozo for a vacation especially if it falls at the start or at end of the weekend.

Schools start again during the last week of September. During this time, the touristic season will be much lower and also entertainment in Malta will be less crowded including the beaches.

Summer and also beautiful days in winter, is best for sunbathing, beaches, outside entertainment, evening promenade walks, day trips to Gozo, the Blue Lagoon in Comino, open air discos and ample water sports.

Travel guide to Malta hopes to have helped you find the right information. Hope you will be with us soon.

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